According to a damning report released Thursday by internal investigators of workplace practices at the CBC, management at the Canadian broadcaster "condoned" the "intimidating, humiliating, hostile, or offensive work environment" Q host Jian Ghomeshi created.

Ghomeshi was fired from his job hosting Q in October 2014 after a woman accused the radio host of sexually assaulting her in an altercation that allegedly left her with a cracked rib. In the months that have followed, at least nine more women have come forward with sexual assault allegations.

Janice Rubin, the Toronto employment lawyer who led the investigation, writes in the report that CBC management “failed to take steps required of it in accordance with its own policies to ensure that the workplace was free from disrespectful and abusive conduct." The report details that in at least three documented instances, managers failed to investigate sexual assault allegations leveled against Ghomeshi, with CBC brass apparently "all too ready to believe his version of the truth."

The report also states that in the months following Ghomeshi's firing from the radio network, "several" women have come forward to accuse at least four other people of sexual misconduct—one off-air employee was even fired.

The investigation extended to all of CBC's employees, but was voluntary. Ninety-nine people were interviewed for the report; 17 people, including Ghomeshi, declined to be interviewed.

The report's release Thursday also coincided with the Canadian radio network "severing ties" with two longtime executives: CBC head of radio Chris Boyce and human resources director Todd Spencer, who were both placed on leave in January, three months after Ghomeshi was fired.

Ghomeshi currently faces eight charges: seven counts of sexual assault and one of overcoming resistance by choking. He returns to court later this month. You can read the full, 52-page report below (some names and specific accounts have been censored):

Update, 11:48 a.m.: Readers have pointed out that CBC managers are refusing to comment to their own networks' reporters on the investigation's report. (CBC has also "rebranded" Ghomeshi's old show, Q, as...q. It's unclear what changing the case of the letter does to rebrand the program.)

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