Charleston Newspaper Puts Gun Ad Over Shooting Massacre Headline

This is, uh, an unfortunate juxtaposition from the Charleston Post and Courier, which has an ad for a local gun store slapped over its name and on top of its leading story about the Emanuel AME Church massacre.
The ad, for ATP Gunshop, offers a pistol or revolver, ammunition, eye and ear protection, a pass to a gun range, instruction and—that’s not all!—a souvenir t-shirt for $30 to those who visit the store on Ladies’ Night. The gunshop is a 30-minute drive north from the site of the shooting.
The Post and Courier has already apologized in a statement, via Romenesko:
“The front-page sticky note that was attached to some home delivery newspapers on the same day as this tragedy is a deeply regrettable coincidence. We apologize to those who were offended.”