J.K. Trotter · 02/02/15 05:46PM

Arianna Huffington: We Need More Happy Stories for Facebook

J.K. Trotter · 02/02/15 02:06PM

On Friday afternoon, Huffington Post editor-in-chief Arianna Huffington sent a memo to her employees. The gist of the cloyingly adroit missive: Facebook’s proprietary news algorithm currently privileges “stories of people and communities doing amazing things,” so HuffPost needs to publish more of those stories. The global initiative will be called “What’s Working.”

Remember When People Hated Oprah?

Leah Finnegan · 01/29/15 05:00PM

Today is Oprah Winfrey's 61st birthday. Happy birthday, Oprah! At this point in her life, Oprah is a living legend. She can pretty much coast until death and her inevitable sainthood from Pope Whoeveritisnext. Even I would be fairly excited to meet Oprah. I bet she smells great, and wears really soft fabrics, and probably has some wise platitudes to sound off. She is a woman who has lived, and also knows how to live, and might give one a Pontiac at any time. This is how the world understands Oprah, and this will likely be her legacy.

Andrew Sullivan Semi-Retires from Blogging

J.K. Trotter · 01/28/15 02:19PM

In an endearingly longwinded post addressed to his readers, professional blogger Andrew Sullivan announced that he has “decided to stop blogging in the near future” because he is “saturated in digital life” and wants “to write long essays that can answer more deeply and subtly the many questions that the Dish years have presented to me.” He also wants “stay healthy” and spend more time with his family.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/27/15 12:29PM

Here is a sentence written by professional newspaper columnist Richard Cohen, a man paid to analyze politics, and published today in the Washington Post, America's most respected political news outlet: "I am an ardent supporter of Israel, but I am also an American: Do not insult my president!" Well done, everyone.

One Reason You Shouldn't Read Fusion

Sam Biddle · 01/26/15 06:35PM

What is Fusion? No one is quite sure, least of all Fusion itself. Following in the grand tradition of First Look Media, Fusion has more money than Croesus and a lot of talented people. It also has, apparently...an animated series about Buzzfeed?

Bloomberg Is the Worst Place to Work

Leah Finnegan · 01/26/15 11:09AM

The perks of working at Bloomberg LP are legendary: free cereal, free yogurt, free espresso drinks, free Swedish Fish, free healthcare and more all thanks to the benevolence of former Mayor Mikey B.


J.K. Trotter · 01/24/15 10:45AM

J.K. Trotter · 01/23/15 03:05PM

Modern Farmer, the “quarterly and website that tried to link effete urban farmers’ market culture with the practicalities of actual farming,” has ceased publication.

Mike Bloomberg Actually Tried to Buy The New York Times: Report

J.K. Trotter · 01/23/15 10:40AM

Mike Bloomberg, the billionaire and former Republican mayor of New York City, has never had an easy relationship with the New York Times. He even told New Yorker editor David Remnick that “he detests the New York Times … [he] thinks that the New York Times has an opinion page on the front page and he loathes it.” But that didn’t prevent Bloomberg—who already controls his own shop, Bloomberg News—from trying to buy the paper.