Rolling Stone Lays Off Staffers, Including Longtime Writer David Fricke

This afternoon, Rolling Stone—along with fellow Wenner Media properties Us Weekly and Men’s Journal*—laid off several employees, including longtime editor and critic David Fricke, who has been the magazine’s most recognizable writer for several decades.
According to Rolling Stone managing editor Will Dana, Fricke will be going freelance (or contract), which sounds nice unless you are David Fricke’s saving’s account.
To be clear: David Fricke isn't leaving Rolling Stone. He's still a Sr Writer and he'll be in the magazine and on the site as much as ever.
June 17, 2015
The news was first reported by The Hollywood Reporter, which also revealed high-level cuts in editorial at Us Weekly:
The cuts include multiple senior level edit staffers, including David Fricke, senior writer at Rolling Stone, Sasha Morrison, fashion director at Us Weekly, Albert Lee, special projects at Us Weekly and Kevin O’Leary, senior writer at Us Weekly. Fricke, however, is set to continue to contribute to the magazine.
According to a source, no one who worked on Rolling Stone’s infamous UVA story was affected by today’s layoffs. If you know more, email me.
*Correction appended: This post originally misidentified Men’s Journal as Men’s Health.
[image via Getty]