Did Bill O’Reilly Watch Nuns Get Shot Execution Style in El Salvador?
J.K. Trotter · 02/25/15 04:06PMWhy Has Fox News Stopped Defending Bill O’Reilly?
J.K. Trotter · 02/25/15 03:22PM
Over the past week, Fox News has aggressively rebutted accusations that its star host Bill O’Reilly lied about his whereabouts during the Falklands War in 1982. But after a new report challenged O’Reilly’s recent claim that he was present at the violent suicide of a Lee Harvey Oswald acquaintance in 1977, the network declined to defend him. Is Fox blinking?
Politico's Dylan Byers Works for Fox News PR
Tom Scocca · 02/23/15 03:20PM
Dylan Byers, the dumbest media reporter alive, has typed up some thoughts at The Politico about, as his headline puts it, "Why the Bill O'Reilly charges aren't sticking." Aren't they? Or at least, isn't their "sticking" or not "sticking" in some way related to the work of a media desk such as The Politico's?