HuffPo Trades on Legendary Sense of Humor to Launch Satirical News Show
Andy Cush · 02/18/15 04:25PMDays after Jon Stewart announced his retirement from The Daily Show, months after Colbert bid adieu to his eponymous Report, America is left wondering: who will satiate our nation's burning need for hard news served with a side of laffs? Will it be John Oliver, king of the internet? Or Larry Wilmore, whose show I've heard is quite good? Or will it be the new satirical news offering from the funniest website on the internet (The Huffington Post)?
Arianna Huffington: We Need More Happy Stories for Facebook
J.K. Trotter · 02/02/15 02:06PM
On Friday afternoon, Huffington Post editor-in-chief Arianna Huffington sent a memo to her employees. The gist of the cloyingly adroit missive: Facebook’s proprietary news algorithm currently privileges “stories of people and communities doing amazing things,” so HuffPost needs to publish more of those stories. The global initiative will be called “What’s Working.”