
Bloomberg Is the Worst Place to Work

Leah Finnegan · 01/26/15 11:09AM

The perks of working at Bloomberg LP are legendary: free cereal, free yogurt, free espresso drinks, free Swedish Fish, free healthcare and more all thanks to the benevolence of former Mayor Mikey B.

CNN’s Jim Clancy Resigns After Twitter Rant About Israeli Propaganda

J.K. Trotter · 01/16/15 03:20PM

CNN International correspondent Jim Clancy has left the cable news channel, where he worked for 34 years, according to an internal memo obtained by TVNewser. CNN confirmed Clancy’s departure in a separate statement: “We thank him for more than three decades of distinguished service, and wish him nothing but the best.” But the network declined to comment on a series of bizarre tweets—in which Clancy seemed to suggest that Israeli propaganda had a hand in the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris—which preceded his abrupt resignation. Cowers In Fear After Publishing Joke About Boehner’s Liver

J.K. Trotter · 01/15/15 12:13PM

It is common knowledge that House Speaker John Boehner is a notoriously hard drinker. So after the F.B.I. arrested a Cincinnati country club bartender for conspiring to poison Boehner’s Merlot, an editor at wrote a post with the following light-hearted joke: “Had he been poisoned as planned, perhaps his pickled liver could have filtered out the toxins.” Predictably, Boehner’s office complained about the joke. Less predictably: The site retracted the joke about Boehner’s liver and issued a formal apology.

Stop Giving Journalists So Much Money

Leah Finnegan · 01/12/15 02:00PM

Sasha Frere-Jones, who is not a black French woman, has accepted a job with annotation start-up and ephemeral website Genius (formerly known as Rap Genius), leaving his comfortable perch as pop music critic at analog paper magazine the New Yorker. Presumably, Genius offered Frere-Jones the promise of an intellectually stimulating experience, a chance to mold editorial content in his image, and a trough of cash and stock options.

Hey Dean Baquet: Stay Salty, You Motherfucker

J.K. Trotter · 01/12/15 12:40PM

Last week, a U.S.C. journalism professor named Marc Cooper wrote on Facebook that New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet had demonstrated “absolute cowardice” by refusing to publish any Charlie Hebdo cartoons depicting Mohammad in his paper. In response, Baquet called Cooper an “asshole.” We can disagree on whether or not Cooper is an asshole. But let’s agree on this: If Dean Baquet thinks someone is an asshole, he should say so in public.