The Gawker Guide to This Year's Pulitzer Prizes

The Pulitzer Prizes were announced today! They are still journalism’s most prestigious prize, even though you can win the same amount of money ($10,000) on an episode of Chopped.
Let’s take a look at the winners
Public Service Reporting: The Post and Courier, Charleston, SC, “for ‘Till Death Do Us Part,’ a riveting series that probed why South Carolina is among the deadliest states in the union for women and put the issue of what to do about it on the state’s agenda.”
Love it!
Breaking News Reporting: Seattle Times, “for its digital account of a landslide that killed 43 people and the impressive follow-up reporting that explored whether the calamity could have been avoided.”
It was good landslide journalism.
Investigative Reporting: shared between The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.
Very odd for a prize to go to the WSJ! The Pulitzer committee is notoriously anti-Murdoch. But sharing the prize means it doesn’t really count as a win, so this award is actually an insult.
Explanatory Reporting: “Awarded to Zachary R. Mider of Bloomberg News for a painstaking, clear and entertaining explanation of how so many U.S. corporations dodge taxes and why lawmakers and regulators have a hard time stopping them.”
This is Bloomberg News’ first Pulitzer. Congratulations, Bloomberg. The explanatory reporting you provided certainly does sound... painstaking.
////Gonna skip ahead a few...////
National Reporting: Carol Leonnig at The Washington Post for her juicy “the-secret-service-is-very-fucked-up-and-loves-hookers” stories. Also inspirational for the j-school students in the house: she won despite this series having some notable and heavy clarifications appended.
International Reporting: The New York Times for their ebola coverage, with stories by the genius Sheri Fink. The Times also won the Pulitzer in the feature photography category for Daniel Berehulak’s photos of the ebola outbreak. The Times won a total of three Pulitzers this year, up from two last year (which were only for photography. Yuck). Good job, Dean, you picked up right where Jill left off.
Also some books and music won but who gives a shit.
Stray Observations
This was the first year that magazines were allowed to submit entries. No magazines won. Also excluded from the winners: Websites, namely Buzzfeed, which definitely entered 17,000 pieces for consideration, minus the four pieces that were deleted after they were submitted. Oops! (Gawker does not enter blog posts for Pulitzer consideration. If an employee at Gawker wants t0 be awarded $10,000, he or she will go on Chopped.) Seems weird to me that no reporting re: Ferguson won, but I guess the media did fuck that one up pretty bad!
:musicnote: Lord almighty, I feel my temperature rising... :musicnote:
An electrified newsroom waiting for Pulitzer announcement ....
— Rukmini Callimachi (@rcallimachi) April 20, 2015
Today is a good day to detect who on Twitter is a nerd IRL
It's Pulitzer day! I'm rooting for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's photo staff.
— Matt Pearce (@mattdpearce) April 20, 2015
God journalism is so boring
Think this is the only news app among the Pulitzer winners
— Zach Seward (@zseward) April 20, 2015
Wrong Pulitzer lady...
I have always hated Lily Pulitzer -
— Eliana Johnson (@elianayjohnson) April 20, 2015
This has been your Putlizers roundup. See you next year!
Dean Frank L. Mott, right, of the Missouri University Journalism School, presents the medal of honor to Joseph Pulitzer, president of the Pulitzer Publishing Company and publisher of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, May 9, 1947, in Columbia, Missouri. (AP Photo/William P. Straeter)