The L magazine, the free bi-weekly circular that was stashed in Nickelodeon-colored plastic bins all around New York City for the greater part of our post-9/11 years, will no longer be available in print, its editors have announced. Long live The L magazine, what a magazine it was.

In a nostalgic post on the site, The L’s editors say that the folding of the print edition of The L is not indicative of end times for New York City-based print media, or for the company in charge of distributing The L’s sister publication, Brooklyn Magazine. Indeed, with the growing popularity of the borough to Manhattan’s right, a shifted focus became necessary:

Weird news you may have heard already: As of today, July 15th, The L Magazine will no longer be published as a print magazine. This is neither tragic nor particularly sad nor further proof that everything is fucked. It is rather–and we realize this may seem like a line of bullshit–a decision we’ve made so that we can focus on and grow our sister publication, Brooklyn Magazine, which, starting in September, will go from being a quarterly publication to a monthly one. This is very exciting.

The post then goes on to reflect in detail on what the hell happened between 2003 and 2015, the years of The L magazine’s reign over New York City. It’s fun! Remember this from 2005?

October 29

The Air in New York Smells Like Maple Syrup

A great 30 Rock plotline, as well.

In an accompanying editors’ letter, founders Scott and Danny Stedman shared some wistful nostalgia and ended it all with a quote:

Meanwhile, we continue to have the insane privilege of celebrating this place both online and by ramping up the L’s sister publication Brooklyn Magazine into a monthly magazine. That said, there’s something about ending the L’s print run that feels significant. For many years, we started each L Magazine with a quote and a little thought about the public space of Brooklyn that we were all sharing. So let’s look at this as our last waltz, and end with a quote that sums up our feelings about what this means for Brooklyn better than anything else:

“The beginning of the beginning, of the end of the beginning.” -Robbie Robertson, The Last Waltz

I liked The L magazine because it was free, occasionally cheeky, and had good shit geared to the punk rock millenials. Did you like The L magazine too? What are we supposed to read now? The web? That’s a hard pass.

Image via The L. RIP. Contact the author at