Which New York Times Employees Are Treating Their Janitors Badly?

Here is an email we recently received:
From: [Redacted]
Date: Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 9:35:43 AM
Subject: HiI work as a janitor at The New York Times. On Friday night around 2am I was harassed by employees of The Times who were getting drunk in one of the offices of the floors I clean. Besides calling me creepy and implying that I would harm them somehow, they also threw a garbage can full of Chinese food all over the ladies bathroom right after I cleaned it.
I don’t know if you guys could use a story like that but I figured you’d find that interesting.
I don’t know the names of the people involved or anything, one of them was a younger Asian girl.
I don’t know if this should be on the record or anonymous because I’m worried they may retaliate if they know I complained about their behavior. I have also contacted my union about it.
I don’t work directly for The Times since I’m a contractor so I can’t really get help from the building’s management.
In subsequent emails, the janitor clarified that:
- This occurred on the 9th floor of the Times building
- There were two men and one woman present
- The woman was overheard saying, “I’m gonna plug the hell out of this thing.”
- When another member of the cleaning staff came near the room in which the employees were drinking, the woman “quickly threw the sliding door shut and pulled the curtains down.”
Know anything else about this incident? Send us an email. Hear about other Times employees behaving badly? Also send us an email.
Email the author: trotter@gawker.com · Photo credit: Shutterstock