
Why Won’t the Times Burn Their Sources for Botched Clinton Story?

J.K. Trotter · 07/31/15 10:40AM

On July 23, The New York Times reported that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was facing a “criminal inquiry” from the Department of Justice regarding the way she handled sensitive government correspondence with her private email account. The story, as you might have heard, has since imploded—Clinton was not specifically targeted; there was no criminal inquiry in the first place—and required two serious corrections, a lengthy editors’ note, and an entire column from Public Editor Margaret Sullivan. “We got it wrong,” deputy executive editor Matt Purdy told Sullivan, “because our very good sources had it wrong.”

J.K. Trotter · 05/22/15 03:17PM

“I apologize, both for my language and for my tone.” — Hillary Clinton advisor Philippe Reines, in an email to Michael Hastings following their testy exchange in September 2012 over Clinton’s response to the attacks in Benghazi, Libya. (Reines told Hastings to “fuck off,” among other things.)

Why Are All the Sad People Running After Hillary's Van

Jordan Sargent · 04/14/15 05:25PM

Today, Hillary Clinton embarked on a "surprise" tour of Iowa, which started at a community college in the eastern town of Monticello. There, she spoke to a small group of supporters, and inadvertently triggered what may be the most embarrassing video we see all campaign season when MSNBC caught sight of a mob of reporters sprinting wildly after her van.