First Look Media, the lavishly-funded media company founded by eBay billionaire Pierre Omidyar, has yet to generate any meaningful revenue—which is a problem if First Look hopes to remain independent in the long term. Today First Look star hire Glenn Greenwald floated an unconventional solution: Online advertising. Via Adweek*:

“We don’t want to be a charity,” said Greenwald. “We need to figure out how to be self-sustaining down the road. Whether that’s ads or something else, we’re going to have serious discussions.”

Another problem: Nobody really wants to sells ads against prestige journalism, in which First Look’s marquee outlet, The Intercept, happens to specialize.

Finding advertisers is not an easy task for journalism with a social cause, said Dick Tofel, president of the nonprofit ProPublica. “If The Intercept is going to be for-profit, I wish them good luck,” he said. “I don’t see how this is going to be profitable.”

Given Tofel’s skepticism, we’ve assembled a few more revenue-generating ideas:

  • The Intercept Cruise (Think: the National Review Cruise, but with people who link to their PGP keys on their Twitter profiles)
  • The Intercept Plus (Think: Slate Plus, but with a slightly different ceramic coffee mug)
  • The Intercept PLAYBOOK (Sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce)
  • The Intercept Brews (We’re not sure if BuzzFeed Brews generates any revenue, but it’s worth a shot)

Others? Share them below.

* Correction: AdWeek, not Advertising Age, published the linked article.

TKTK (working title) is Gawker’s new blog about media, power and gossip. (Suggest a new name here.)