CUNY Plans to Confirm Paul Krugman’s $225,000 Salary
J.K. Trotter · 06/29/15 03:00PM
Last year, the City University of New York hired Princeton professor and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman to study income inequality and other economic topics at the Luxembourg Income Study Center. The financially beleaguered university system, which is publicly funded, somehow found a way to pay Krugman $225,000 per year.
Frank Bruni Honors Gay Marriage Decision in Sad, Third-Person Column
Jordan Sargent · 06/26/15 05:35PM
As soon as the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize gay marriage was made public on Friday, the New York Times published a strange celebration of that ruling by Frank Bruni, the paper’s only gay columnist (and second-worst one). This is a good thing for Bruni, but a bad thing for anyone looking for an enlightening perspective on the news.
Brian Stelter Thinks Wolf Is the Worst
Andy Cush · 06/26/15 05:16PM
This afternoon, CNN media reporter and Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter tweeted and quickly deleted the phrase “Ugh wolf is the worst,” according to a tipster who provided us with the above screenshot. To whom might Stelter have been referring? Maybe Law and Order producer Dick Wolf? Perhaps he was complaining about the book Wolf Hall? Or could it be that he was talking smack about his esteemed colleague Wolf Blitzer?
Woman Who Cannot Accurately Describe Things to "Report" for NYT
Leah Finnegan · 06/24/15 03:05PMCirca, News App Nobody Used, Going on "Indefinite Hiatus"
Leah Finnegan · 06/24/15 12:05PMBill Kristol: Where’s Our Respect for Confederate Soldiers?
J.K. Trotter · 06/23/15 03:50PMTeen Tricks New York Times Into Reporting That Dylann Roof Was a Brony
Jordan Sargent · 06/22/15 04:23PM
On Saturday, the New York Times published an article about Charleston shooter Dylan Roof’s newly discovered manifesto and cache of selfies. It would have been a pretty straightforward news story had the Times not been fooled by a teen into reporting that Roof was a diehard fan of My Little Pony and was obsessed with 9/11 memes.
Howard Kurtz Column Reflects on Charleston Tragedy, His Email Signature
Sam Biddle · 06/22/15 10:03AM.Mic Is Rich as Hell But Everyone's Still Miserable
Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/19/15 04:45PM
The website .Mic snapped up a casual $17 million in funding this week to better inform millennials of Things That Sum Up Everything About Something and it seems like founders Jake Horowitz and Christopher Altchek are pretty happy. Pretty unhappy, however, are the website’s employees, who say morale is worse than ever.
Do You Have a Copy of NBC’s Devastating Brian Williams Investigation?
J.K. Trotter · 06/19/15 03:50PM
Yesterday, NBC News announced the permanent demotion of disgraced Nightly News anchor Brian Williams, who will serve as breaking news manager for MSNBC. Network executives came to this decision after an internal investigation turned up “a number of inaccurate statements” made by Williams “about his own role and experiences.” However, as Michael Calderone at The Huffington Post notes, “NBC opted against transparency and declined to make public its findings.”
Charleston Newspaper Puts Gun Ad Over Shooting Massacre Headline
Jordan Sargent · 06/18/15 11:20AMRolling Stone Lays Off Staffers, Including Longtime Writer David Fricke
Jordan Sargent · 06/17/15 05:10PMFusion Is the Least Wanted Network on Television
Jordan Sargent · 06/17/15 01:55PM
We’ve learned that nobody reads or watches Fusion, but as the legend goes, Felix Salmon’s dream journal still harbors a plan to get rich by making people, via their cable companies, pay for its television network. It sounds like a fine enough scheme as any in our current media wasteland, but they better get moving on it before television watchers are able to reject the channel outright.
New York Times Regrets Calling Dead Irish Students Drunk Party Animals
J.K. Trotter · 06/17/15 01:30PM
Yesterday, the New York Times published an article about a deadly balcony collapse in Berkeley that killed six college students from Ireland who had been partying on the structure. The victims had come to California on the J1 work-visa program—which, the Times noted in the second paragraph of the article, has become “a source of embarrassment for Ireland, marked by a series of high-profile episodes involving drunken partying and the wrecking of apartments in places like San Francisco and Santa Barbara.”
Janine Gibson Steps into BuzzFeed’s Maw
Leah Finnegan · 06/16/15 08:45AMDid Times Reporter Jonathan Mahler Smoke Weed with Nick Denton? Yes.
J.K. Trotter · 06/12/15 03:20PMSociopathic Liar Taking Over 21st Century Fox: Report
J.K. Trotter · 06/11/15 11:05AMBenny Johnson’s Comeback Profile Was Written by His Friend
J.K. Trotter · 06/09/15 04:50PM
Today the Washington Post published a lengthy and (mostly) flattering profile of Benny Johnson, the serial plagiarist who was fired from BuzzFeed last summer and now peddles viral conservative content at Independent Journal Review. “D.C. has always been the city of second chances, now it just moves at meme speed,” reporter Ben Terris writes. “And no one can ride a meme like Benny Johnson.”
Vice Publishes, Then Redacts, Racist Concert Review
Jordan Sargent · 06/08/15 05:10PM
Today, Noisey UK—the randy brother of Vice’s music channel Noisey—posted a review of a British music festival written in text message by the musician GFOTY, who is one of the more minor members of the pop-parody crew PC Music. If you read the post now you will notice blocks of redacted text; if you had read it earlier this morning, you would have seen GFOTY making a rather awful racist joke.