Is BuzzFeed Deleting Its “Real Journalism” Articles, Too?

J.K. Trotter · 05/06/15 10:00AM

In late 2012, the morning after the second presidential debate, BuzzFeed published an article titled “The Debate Romney Won,” which floated the Romney campaign’s theory that the Republican candidate “came out on top — horserace analysis be damned” in the October 16 debate. The piece is mostly notable for the decision of its authors, McKay Coppins and Zeke Miller, to grant anonymity to a Romney aide so he could praise his own boss and trash President Obama as “a weak leader.” It is also notable for the fact that, two days after it was published, the entire post disappeared from BuzzFeed’s website.

The Washington Post's Police Problem

Jordan Sargent · 05/01/15 04:17PM

We trust the press to arbitrate the news, and rarely is that responsibility more important than with stories like that of Freddie Gray’s. But from Ferguson to Baltimore, a bizarre pro-police bias has seeped out of one of the country’s most visible papers: the Washington Post.

Why Everyone in Baltimore Hates the Media

Andy Cush · 05/01/15 03:45PM

Around Baltimore this week—and especially in Sandtown-Winchester, Freddie Gray’s neighborhood—people have been guarded about speaking to the media. I can’t blame them.

Every Police Brutality Incident Gets Its Own Nate Silver Burrito Story

Jordan Sargent · 04/30/15 04:21PM

One day, the users of Twitter dot com will realize that the site’s prompt—“What’s happening?”—is a suggestion, not a command. But until that happens, men who have been told they are important will talk about themselves exactly when their stories are needed the least.

Arianna Huffington Is Pushing Her Bogus Self-Help Book on Her Employees

Jordan Sargent · 04/28/15 04:45PM

Do you need another reason to not work at the Huffington Post? Okay. This afternoon, Arianna Huffington sent out a memo to employees cheerfully announcing that she has made the online class based on her nonsense self-help book Thrive available to them—for free!—via

Quiz: How Much Did This Journalism Cost?

Leah Finnegan · 04/24/15 01:15PM

Magazine and website stories, despite appearances, do not come cheap. Costs involved include gas, fancy meals with gas industry shills, haircuts to look your best at gas industry galas, miscellaneous snack foods to help with research, plane tickets to go on vacation because of the stress of writing a story, various crystals and gem stones for luck, and finally there is the unnameable cost of a bruised ego when the story comes out and everyone shits on it.

Vice Has Gutted 285 Kent and Glasslands: A Before and Now

Jordan Sargent · 04/23/15 12:44PM

One day in the near future, Vice Media will take over a block in Williamsburg, Brooklyn that once held, among other establishments, Glasslands and 285 Kent, two venues that helped keep indie music alive in New York even as condos sprouted up around them. Here is what they once looked like, and what they look like now.

Ben Smith and Jonah Peretti: The Gawker Interview

J.K. Trotter · 04/22/15 01:55PM

On April 16, Gawker contacted BuzzFeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith with evidence that his site had deleted a post criticizing Pepsi, a BuzzFeed advertiser, under pressure from the beverage manufacturer. In response, Smith invited Gawker to interview him and BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti at the company’s New York office. A transcript of the interview, which took place on April 17 and concerns BuzzFeed’s ongoing review of deleted content, can be found below. It has been lightly edited for clarity.

Nick Gillespie Is a Rich Son of a Bitch

John Cook · 04/22/15 11:30AM

Nick Gillespie, a leather-jacket-wearing 51-year-old libertarian with a remarkable head of hair, is attacking hapless New York Mayor Bill de Blasio as a rich “fat cat” in the Daily Beast, because de Blasio made $217,656 last year (not to mention $65,000 in rental income). All told, that’s five times the median household income in New York. De Blasio poses as a working class hero, Gillespie writes, but “to most of us, he’s a rich son of a bitch.”

The Same Old New Republic

Jason Parham · 04/21/15 04:15PM

Sunday evening, The New Republic published its latest polemic, “The Ghost of Cornel West.” Written by Black Public Intellectual™ Michael Eric Dyson, the 10,000-word essay thoroughly castigates Cornel West, the well-known social critic and former Princeton professor who believes himself to be a prophet.

Do You Work at BuzzFeed?

J.K. Trotter · 04/21/15 01:50PM

Do you work at BuzzFeed? Have you worked there in the past? If yes, send us an email. We’re researching several stories about the company, and we’re willing to make it worth your time if you can help us out. Anonymity guaranteed.

NYT Writer Says He Was Fired for Observing That Barry Diller Is Gay

J.K. Trotter · 04/20/15 01:35PM

Former New York Times Magazine writer Andrew Goldman is accusing the paper
of firing him for asking impertinent questions of a Times advertiser. Goldman, who publicly scuffled with author Jennifer Weiner over accusations of misogyny in 2012, says in a new documentary that the Times canned him for asking fashion entrepreneur Diane von Furstenberg—whose company DVF advertises in the paper—about her gay husband Barry Diller.

BuzzFeed Deleted Posts Under Pressure from Its Own Business Department

J.K. Trotter · 04/18/15 05:00PM

Earlier this week, BuzzFeed launched an internal review of any posts that its editors or writers had deleted from the site since editor-in-chief Ben Smith was hired in January 2012. In an interview on Friday, and a memo sent to staff on Saturday, Smith revealed that the review has already uncovered three instances where complaints from the site’s business and advertising departments led Smith to delete posts.