New Times Op-Ed Writer Has a Colorful Past With Racist Publications

J.K. Trotter · 03/18/15 04:58PM

Today the New York Times announced its selection of 20 new op-ed writers who will contribute to the paper on a monthly basis. Editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal told Capital New York that his staff selected contributors with “a broad range of viewpoints and subjects and backgrounds and geographical locations and every kind of form of diversity that you can think of.” This commitment to a diversity of viewpoints is remarkably strong, as indicated by the paper’s inclusion of science writer Razib Khan.

What Won’t the Daily Caller Publish? Anything Attacking Fox News

J.K. Trotter · 03/17/15 06:13PM

The Daily Caller is one of the most freewheeling conservative outlets in online media. Its reporters have leveled unsubstantiated allegations of prostitution against Senator Bob Menendez, falsely accused a New York Times reporter of posing nude for Playgirl, and even questioned the race of a black Washington Post reporter. These stories raise an interesting question: What wouldn’t the Daily Caller publish? Today one of its contributors learned the answer: Absolutely anything critical of Fox News.

Which NYC Power Couple Attended a Masquerade Sex Party Last Weekend?

Andy Cush · 03/17/15 04:56PM

Last Saturday night, a gaggle of fuck-hungry rich folks gathered in a 23rd Street loft to celebrate the New York City debut of Killing Kittens, a soiree where the world's "sexually elite" are free to tug rhythmically at each other's appendages without the distracting presence of uglies. According to a mostly sex-free writeup in the New York Post, at least one high-powered Manhattan couple was present. But who?

Why Isn't Morning Joe In Trouble For its Terrible Ratings?

Alex Pareene · 03/13/15 10:45AM

MSNBC recently canceled shows hosted by Ronan Farrow and Joy Reid, reportedly because the channel is tacking away from liberal programming and because the ratings were bad. But MSNBC's supposed abandonment of liberalism can't extend that far: Rachel Maddow isn't going anywhere. So if the problem is mainly ratings, that raises an interesting (to me, at least) question. Why haven't there been any rumors about MSNBC canceling Morning Joe, a show with ratings that are just as bad as—and often much worse than—MSNBC's primetime programming?

Gleeful WSJ Reporter Takes Hilarious Tour of Rikers Island

Andy Cush · 03/12/15 01:40PM

So you're given a guided tour of a prison-complex-cum-nightmare-chamber where beatings are frequent and inmates die without medical care. What do you do? Pull out the iPhone and fire up Twitter—it's time for some laffs, baby.

My Year Ripping Off the Web With the Daily Mail Online

James King · 03/04/15 04:15PM

On July 11 of last year, I arrived to work at the MailOnline newsroom in New York City and saw Keith Poole, our managing editor, standing outside smoking a cigarette. Even from a hundred yards away, it was clear that Poole—a generally pleasant Englishman who was the managing editor of the Daily Mail at the time—was agitated. It didn't take a detective to figure out why.

Mark Halperin Is a Bad Theater Critic

Alex Pareene · 02/27/15 05:39PM

Mark Halperin's attempt to "grade" the performances of various Republic 2016 contenders who spoke at CPAC is one of those moments when the veil briefly lifts. He grades each candidate on "substance" and "style," and then presents an "overall" grade that is... not an average of the other two grades. It is clearly completely arbitrary, though his "overall" grades tend to track the "style" grades more than the "substance" grades. In other words, Halperin is outright revealing that, for him, "substance" (whatever he means by that) is simply a quality a politician must perform, not something they must possess, and it is a quality that he deems less important than "style."

J.K. Trotter · 02/27/15 02:56PM

What Happens When a Soft Drink Brand Is Scared By Its Own Journalism?

Jordan Sargent · 02/27/15 10:40AM

Red Bull is famous for selling orange-tinted poison, but over the past few years it has become increasingly well-known in certain circles for hawking a product much less profitable than energized swill: music, and writing about music. This week, a writer found out what happens when a brand dipping its toes into culture writing gets frightened by its own act of mild journalistic aggression.

Why Has Fox News Stopped Defending Bill O’Reilly?

J.K. Trotter · 02/25/15 03:22PM

Over the past week, Fox News has aggressively rebutted accusations that its star host Bill O’Reilly lied about his whereabouts during the Falklands War in 1982. But after a new report challenged O’Reilly’s recent claim that he was present at the violent suicide of a Lee Harvey Oswald acquaintance in 1977, the network declined to defend him. Is Fox blinking?